
Ries Excavating and Trucking specializes in waterline services, offering expert repair and installation to ensure a reliable water supply for your property. Our team is equipped to handle everything from minor repairs to new installations, ensuring seamless connection to city water taps.

Waterline Repairs

  • Efficient Repairs: Swift and effective repair of broken or leaking water lines to restore water service with minimal disruption.

New Installation

  • Site Survey: Comprehensive assessment of the site to plan the optimal route and installation method.
  • Trenchless Installation: Utilizing trenchless technology to install new waterlines with minimal excavation and disruption to your property.
  • Quality Materials: Using high-quality pipes and fittings to ensure durability and long-term performance.

Connection to City Water Taps

  • Coordination with Authorities: Working closely with city officials to ensure compliance with all regulations and standards.
  • Seamless Integration: Connecting your new waterline to the city water system efficiently and effectively, ensuring a consistent and safe water supply.

At Ries Excavating and Trucking, we are committed to delivering top-notch waterline services with a focus on quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Trust us to handle your waterline needs with professionalism and expertise.